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Note: This blog post contains products from our Teachers Pay Teachers store and Amazon Associate store.
Don't underestimate this one. Invest in a couple of really good long jump ropes, teach your students some jump rope rhymes, and they will jump every day! We aren't sure if it is truly the #1 game since we didn't conduct an official survey. However, drive past any elementary school during recess and it may confirm our hypothesis. :)
Jump roping isn't just for little kids. This video should motivate both boys and girls of all ages.
Here are a few jump rope rhymes with actions:
I am a little Dutch girl dressed in blue.
Here are the thngs I like to do:
Salute to the captain, bow to the queen
Turn my back on the submarine.
I can do the tap dance, I can do the split.
I can do the holka polka just like this.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe.
Teddy bear, teddy, bear, that will do.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, go upstairs
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say your prayers
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light
Teddy bear, teddy, bear, say goodnight.
Two little sausages frying in the pan.
(two people skip together)
One went POP and the other went BANG!
(one jumps out one side, the other player on the other side)
HI top jump rope is perfect for you and your children
The rope is easy to adjust to your desired length
The handles are hollow with ends that can unscrew
The rope length is 9.18 feet and it is suitable for individuals as tall as 5.9 feet
Double Dutch Jump Ropes: 12ft
Includes 1 pair or ropes
Made of durable plastic
Feature looped handles for easy turning
How many times can you jump rope? This rhyme makes the game of rope jumping even more fun. It's a counting rhyme, and there are lots of others like it. There are also red-hot pepper rhymes for jumping very fast, and rhymes for jumping in and out of the rope. There are even fortune-telling rhymes that answer questions and help you predict the future!
The rhymes in this book began as a way to keep the rhythm while jumping rope, but they also lent poetry and humor to the game. Here are over one hundred traditional rhymes that will make rope jumping challenging and, best of all, fun.
For playground supervisors. PE teachers, classroom teachers, youth recreational leaders, and parents---here are over 170 exciting, safe, and meaningful games and activities for the playground. Written by an experienced physical educator, this delightful and easy-to-use resource will help eliminate student boredom during recess, provide physical exercise, and create a safe, healthy, and peaceful playground setting for children. A chapter on indoor classroom games is also included for rainy days.
You may also like these scavenger hunt lists for indoor and outdoor activities.
If you are looking for a summer school craft project, this foldable bucket list interactive notebook is a best seller and student favorite!
This packet is full of fun activities and worksheets. Students will create a summer collage, make a fan, read and make a lemonade recipe, act out a finger play, and list summer safety rules. They will also plan a vacation using different modes of transportation and determine what to pack in their suitcases. They will even plan a trip to space! Students will tell a fish story with visuals and design a backyard obstacle course. Next, students will create a bucket list, write to a fictional or real pen pal, and create lyrics to a summer gardening song. Finally, the students will make pinwheels, get active with a jumping checklist and learn to play hopscotch.
With over 5,000,000 views on YouTube, Whole Brain Teaching's strategies are used across America and in 30 foreign countries.
Including K-12 games for challenging kids, classroom management, writing, reading, math, and Common Core/State Tests, "Whole Brain Teaching: 122 Amazing Games!" will have your students playing so hard, they won't realize how much they're learning! Join the first education reform movement ... with a sense of humor!
Want to amp up student engagement?
This is a practical collection of innovative ideas, games, and creative management strategies for surviving indoor recess.
This is a college teaching prep class designed for K-12 physical education. This activities is for K-3 grades. Videos on this channels are from Elementary, Middle School & High School Physical Education Prep Classes. These are college students practicing to be teachers. They are graded on planning, student management, discipline,communication, motivation & instruction. Some are very beginning level others are more advanced. After teaching the class reflects on mistakes made and how to improve.
Encourages cooperative play while building upper-body strength
Teach turn-taking and cooperation
Reinforced mesh center allows ample airflow
Great for indoor or outdoor play
Diameter: 12 feet (3.6 meters); parachute storage bag included
Heavy-duty nylon parachute, 20-foot diameter.
Designed for use in movement and dance activities (NOT for skydiving).
Divided equally into 12 different color segments, with 16 handles on the outside edge.
Offers a more quiet sound than most when the parachute is manipulated.
Includes a convenient drawstring storage bag.
Finger plays are a great way to introduce poetry concepts, following directions and fine motor skills to elementary and special education students. They also allow movement in the classroom, which research has shown brain breaks increase achievement. You will receive one free finger play for the students to read and color.
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