In this blog post, you will find directions and resources for a Thanksgiving science activity with Venn diagrams. In addition, a Thanksgiving bulletin board idea is also described.
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Thanksgiving Turkeys Venn Diagram Activity
Wild Turkey vs. Domestic Turkey
Step 1: Divide the students into small groups. Give each group a poster board. Instruct the students to draw to large, overlapping circles to make a Venn diagram. NOTE: Some of the students may wish to leave room to make their circles into two turkeys with feathers at the end of the project.
Step 2: Have students search for pictures of wild and domestic turkeys. This website has information on wild turkeys. It even has a section to listen to their sounds! They also have some information on the domestic turkey here.
Step 3: As students conduct their research, have them complete the Venn diagrams to show the differences and similarities of domestic and wild turkeys. Students may also relate their findings to the first Thanksgiving feast.
Step 4: Have each group share their findings. Others groups may add new information learned to their own diagrams.
Step 5: If students wish, they may make each circle into a turkey. Let the students be creative and come up with their own elaborations.
Step 6: Display the diagrams and artwork around the room or on a Thanksgiving bulletin board.
Click HERE for more information from the DNR site.
Students may also search online or in the school library.
Here are some resources from our Amazon Associate store:
Students may also search online or in the school library.
Here are some resources from our Amazon Associate store:
Unlike their domesticated relatives, wild turkeys can fly. Readers will learn about the pecking order of turkey flocks, how turkeys avoid predators, what foods these birds eat, and much more. The turkeys association with Thanksgiving is addressed, as is the impressive comeback these birds made after their numbers plummeted in the early twentieth century.
Ages 7-10
Animals on the Farm is a captivating series that introduces beginning readers to some of their favorite farm animals. Each book covers the characteristics, life cycles, and uses of a farm animal. Easy-to-read text, vibrant photos, and interesting facts ensure that this series will stimulate beginning readers. Animals on The Farm is a series of AV2 media enhanced books. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. These books come alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more.
Ages 5-7
Students will love the beautiful pictures as they learn about the ABC’s of the Wild Turkey. From beards to gobbles, this fun book will teach your child the letters of the ABC’s while introducing and teaching them about the wild turkey. As one of the ABC Books for Hunting Heritage and Habitat, this book highlights the conservation organization, the National Wild Turkey Federation or NWTF. The NWTF is dedicated to protecting habitat and preserving our hunting heritage. By purchasing this book, you will be helping to support conservation of habitat and our hunting heritage. Proceeds of each book purchased will be donated back to the National Wild Turkey Federation to allow the organization to continue its mission of preserving habitat and supporting youth initiatives.
You may also like this Thanksgiving foldable card from our store:
Here are more Venn Diagram resources from our Amazon Associate store:
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