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Use Real World Contexts
Personalizing math problems for students improves comprehension!
Give students hands-on experiences through models, number lines, and other visual representations. Create story problems that truly relate to their every day lives. Bring in manipulatives to allow students to demonstrate. Let the students actually create their own story problems involving fractions.
Fraction Word Problems: You will receive 30 fraction word problems for 4th grade common core math focusing on adding and subtracting fractions with a pizza theme! Scavenger hunt directions and other game ideas are included. You will also receive a student response form worksheet and answer key. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.B.3.D
Fractions: Here are 23 printable worksheets focusing on fractions with pizza!
National Pizza Month Little Book
Reading Comprehension
Pizza Toppings
Pizza Vocabulary
Fractions Discovery Group Work
Fractions Review
Fractions Expanded
Fractions Memory Game
3rd Grade Common Core:
3.NF - Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
Fractions on a Number Line Tutorial - Here is a printable fractions on a number line worksheet to go along with our free fractions tutorial video found HERE. Students will watch the short (under 2 minute) video showing the basic concepts of fractions on a number line. An answer key is also provided. This fractions on a number line video activity is perfect for students with special education needs or students needing a little extra help with the concepts.
You will receive 6 fraction task cards focusing on the Common Core skill naming fractions. These cards have an adorable gnome theme! You will also receive a fractions student response form and fractions answer key. Students may have a scavenger hunt or play a game of SCOOT.
You will receive six printable task cards.These cards have a fun spaceship and alien theme. Find the alien on each card. You will also receive a student response form and an answer key.
These task cards are a great way to reinforce fraction skills while allowing students movement in the classroom. Many students prefer task cards over worksheets. Movement is important for students of all ages. You will receive scavenger hunt game directions along with 20 more uses for these cards.
Set includes 51 cubes and a Teacher’s Guide
Ideal for ages 6+
Ideal for ages 6+
Equivalent Fractions: You will receive 30 common core math task cards focusing on the Common Core 3rd grade skill of equivalent fractions with pictures. These cards have a fun cat and mouse theme. Find the mouse on each card. You will also receive a student response form and fractions answer key. These visual model task cards work well in a math center to reinforce Grade 3 fraction skills.
Students love movement in the classroom, and brain research tells us this is how we increase learning! WIN-WIN! Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets! You may use these task cards for SCOOT, a scavenger hunt, small group activities, large group activities and other games!

Fraction Word Problems: You will receive 30 common core math task cards requiring students to solve addition and subtraction fraction word problems. Scavenger hunt directions and other game ideas are provided. You will also receive a student response form worksheet and answer key. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.A.2
Fraction Word Problems: You will receive 30 common core math task cards requiring 5th grade students to solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. Scavenger hunt directions and other game ideas are included. You will also receive a student response form worksheet and answer key. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.B.6
Fraction Word Problems: You will receive 30 fraction word problems task cards requiring students to find the fractional parts of numbers. You will also receive a student response form worksheet and answer key.
Common Core 4.NF.B.4.C Fraction Word Problems
Solve word problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.
Fraction Word Problems: You will receive 30 common core math task cards requiring 5th and 6th grade students to solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers. Scavenger hunt directions and other game ideas are provided. You will also receive a student response form and answer key. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.B.3
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