Speaking of positive, here are some FREE Olympic activities for your primary elementary classroom.
FREE Olympics Activities for Primary Classroom
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1. Olympic Crafts
Paper Plate Rings
Origami Olympic Rings
2. Olympic Games
Olympic Hoopla Game
Indoor and Outdoor Games
3. Olympics Research Paper
The possibilities are endless in a social studies classroom. Review all of the countries represented at the opening ceremony. Students may choose a country on which to research, or assign all students to research the country of Russia. Click on the globe to see all of the countries represented for each event.
Sometimes researching a country can be overwhelming for students. There is so much information. What is important? What do we want to learn about the country?
1. Where is the country located?
2. What languages are spoken in this country? Is there a main language?
3. What is the capital?
4. What does the flag look like? Describe or draw.
5. What is one major historical architectural feature in this country?
6. What is life like for school age children?
7. Who are the present day leaders?
8. What kind of government does this country have?
9. What is the climate and vegetation of this country?
10. What ethnicity and religions are in this country?
11. Describe some major events in history, including date of existence.
12. Describe the economy of this country – natural resources, manufacturing, land use, occupations, currency, etc.
13. Discuss the population and modes of transportation.
14. What are some native animals to this country?
15. Explore food, holidays, clothing, and music.
16. Are there any major bodies of water? Landmarks? Cities?
If you prefer to have these questions in a graphic organizer format along with a scoring rubric, please click HERE. This set isn't free, but it is nearly free.
4. Compare Ancient Greece Olympics with Modern Day Olympics
There are several resources and videos to help students compare and contrast these differences:
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5. Olympics Writing
There are so many writing opportunities with the Olympics. Some story starters include:
1. If you could go to the Olympics in any sport, what would you choose and why?
2. Describe an event you watched. Describe the event, information learned, and results.
3. List at least 10 characteristics an athlete must have to make it to the Olympics.
4. Why do you believe the Olympics are such a big event? Explain what it symbolizes to you and your family.
5. Many of the Olympians have overcome trials and tribulations in their lives. What have your overcome in your life? What is the key for these Olympians to be able to persevere?
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6. Olympics Poetry
Poetry is sometimes difficult for students. However, the excitement of the Olympics may motivate them. I like to start with acrostic poems because they seem to be most motivating for students.
Here is an example:
London 2012
You hope for
Medals for Great Britain
Practice makes perfect for
Inspirational Competitors to
You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store.
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